Can You Help Reunite Childhood Friends?

30 Mar 2016

Recently, the team here at were contacted by one of our avid followers Liz Ryan, who asked for our help in locating an old buddy of hers from her childhood. 

Liz was born in the 50s and grew up in Clontarf, but has since relocated to France (we’re not jealous at all!). Liz attended Manor House in the 60s, where she was very friendly with Mary McGowan who hailed from The Stiles Road. 

Liz has messaged us asking us to help her find Mary’s current whereabouts, as she had been contacted by a mutual friend of theirs in the past, who had said that Mary was looking to get back in contact with Liz. 

Liz would love nothing more than to catch up with her old pal, and the team here at are hoping as much as she is, that our readers and followers can help get the pair back in contact. 

The facts we know about Mary is that she went to Manor House in the 1960s, she lived on Stiles Road and her surname was McGowan, but this could now be her maiden name if she has since married. 

If you think you know Mary, please get in touch with us by emailing and hopefully we can reunite these childhood friends!