Bull Island Seals - Distress Cause by Dogs

21 Apr 2017

We would like to remind all residents of a story we publish last year in relation to the safety of the Seal on the Bull Island.

The grey seals (a protected species) are being disturbed by humans and dogs on the Bull Island and are retreating to the sandbank. This is leading to not only the seals becoming distressed, but also the possibility of unsuccessful nursing of pups. 

Seals birth during the summer months and as we approach summer we would like to remind visitors to the island that they SHOULD NOT approach seals and NEVER let dogs near them. 

We are so lucky to have this wildlife on our doorstep, so please be respectful of it, and if you see anything please report it.

We have received photographs of people walking with dogs on the beach, seemingly taking pleasure in chasing the seals into the water which is very disturbing!