Breaking News - Sea Wall

02 Nov 2015

We have just received the information that an Emergency Motion has been put forward by Cllr. Damien O' Farrell and Cllr. Tom Brabazon for tonights Dublin City Council Meeting in City Hall. The following is the Emergency Motion put forward by both councillors;

Emergency Motion November City Council Meeting

That this Council honours the commitment given to the Northside community that any future flood defence would preserve the amenity and protect the environment.  There is an ongoing DCC flood defence programme on the north side of Dublin Bay that is based upon a collaborative approach with the stakeholders and commitments to this effect were given by Dublin City Council management as well as being proposed and ratified by Dublin City Council members at City Hall. The present flood wall construction opposite St Anne's Park is clearly in breach of these commitments and an amenity directly bordering our UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, Natural Nature Reserve, Special Protection Area (EU Birds Directive) and a Special Area of Conservation has been damaged. We are calling on the CEO, Dublin City Council to rectify this matter immediately. 

Cllr Damian O'Farrell (Ind)
Cllr Tom Brabazon (FF)