Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth!

19 May 2021

Message from Clontarf Residents’ Association & Clontarf Tidy Towns

“Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth.”

Family-friendly fun for National Biodiversity Week - 15th to 23rd May


Why not take part in a Scavenger Hunt and discover some of the living things in your garden, the park or the Prom? 

Or, take on a mini project in your garden such as providing a home for pollinators and building a mini pond for wildlife? 

Download your preferred sheet -  Easy Peasy (suggested age range 4 – 7) or A Little Tricky (suggested age range 8 -12).

Alternatively, check out the recent  Irish Times/Bird Watch Ireland video (make sure you turn the sound on!) of Ireland’s 20 most common garden birds and see how many of them you have in your garden.

We’d love to see photos of your completed projects or other examples of the biodiversity in your garden or our community. Please send your images to