Autumn Update from CRA
Autumn Update from Clontarf Residents Association
Bloomin Lovely!
DCC planted up a border on Vernon Ave beside Merchamp and it’s really starting to look well now. Some Tidy Towns volunteers have dug out and planted up new beds on Seapark Road. More planting beds are planned as are the addition of some spring-flowering bulbs in a number of spots around the area – thanks to DCC for supplying the bulbs. Thanks also to those who took care of watering our planters over the summer.
Autumn Leaves!
Further to our last post, most of the leaf nets are in place and many of the requests for new locations have also been met. The locations of the leaf nets can be seen on the map at the red button below. Thanks to DCC for providing the necessary materials.
Everyone who requested bio bags should have received their delivery by now. The bio bags are intended for those who can’t use the mulch nets. These bags have been supplied by DCC and are solely for collecting leaves from the public paths and roads that will be composted - please don’t put ordinary rubbish into these bags. The filled bags should ideally be brought to the leaf net areas but if this is not feasible, they can be left on the grass verge and DCC will collect them.
Thanks to all those who have been gathering leaves and helping to keep our paths and drains clear.
WEEE Recycling Collection
We are arranging a kerbside collection of old electrical, electronic and pure metal items for recycling, with thanks to Recycle IT, in late November/early December. Further details to follow, but let’s start thinking about what you might recycle now!
As always, we can be contacted on this or any other matter by email to