An Taisce Outing to Bull Island & St. Anne's Park

16 Feb 2022
An Taisce is inviting followers of to their 'Outing to Bull Island & St Anne's Park' on Wednesday 23rd February 2022.
The schedule of activities will be as follows:
  • Arrive at Bull Island: 10.45 am (Interpretative Centre)
  • 11.00 am: ‘The Birds of Bull Island’, Pat Corrigan, Manager, Interpretative Centre 11.30 am: Bull Island Walk led by Pat Corrigan
  • 12.30 pm: Depart Bull Island for the Red Stables, St Anne’s Park, D03 X0C3
  • Break: 12.45- 1:30 pm (Food/drink can be purchased in Olive's Room)
  • 1.30 pm: Trees & Garden Walk, St Anne’s Park led by a staff member
  • 2.30 pm: The day will end at Peace Tree

Please follow the llink here for more details on this event. All are welcome.