All Ireland Pollinator Plan

21 May 2021

Message from Clontarf Residents’ Association & Clontarf Tidy Towns

National Biodiversity Week - 15th to 23rd May

All Ireland Pollinator Plan

The All-Ireland Pollinator Plan is about everyone doing their bit to help Ireland’s pollinators survive and thrive. 

As a community, we can embrace low-mow on our verges, plant around the tree wells on our streets, allow brambles and ivy to grow in our laneways. 

At an individual level, you can Pledge your Garden for Pollinators.  This can include:

  • Leaving some Dandelions for pollinators
  • Cutting your grass less often to allow flowers like clover to naturally grow and provide food
  • Avoiding using chemicals
  • Planting pollinator-friendly perennials
  • Adding pollinator-friendly trees, shrubs or a native hedgerow
  • Planting pollinator-friendly bulbs
  • Adding a pollinator-friendly herb bed
  • Making containers or hanging baskets pollinator-friendly
  • Providing small areas of bare earth for mining solitary bees to nest
  • Adding a small bee hotel for cavity-nesting solitary bees


Lots more info on suitable plants and the pollinators that they will attract can be found by downloading the Pledge your Garden for Pollinators guide here.

Keep sending your photos capturing the biodiversity in your garden in to us at