A Message From the Irish Seal Sanctuary

23 May 2016

The Clontarf Residents' Association has sent us the following message from Brendan Price of the Irish Seal Sanctuary. 

Hello All,

Irish Seal Sanctuary is trying to put together a brief report and pics on presence of seals on Bull Island historically to present day.

We hope to finally secure a monitoring programme for them, thanks to yours and public observations and witness over years countering the claims of no evidence and merely anecdotal evidence by some interests, who'd prefer they were not there at all, thus not needing of monitoring or responsibility. I thought we'd put paid to such misinformation after EPA hearing on Alexandra Basin.... but not so !  Such rumours are abounding again. 

We've all shared concerns of disturbance and movements and ISS would like to ensure authorities secure the place of the seals and developments and disturbance cease to threaten them further.

The simplest of observations of seal presence, over time supported by any specific sightings, corpses, pictures.....will build an incontrovertible case for their protection (anecdotal info is so good collectively as to be extremely robust). .....and state any concerns you have. Please also spread word to regular users of the island and observers around coast

Thanking you in advance for your co-operation,  

Brendan Price   

M.Biol.Inst. Irl., 

Irish Seal Sanctuary



(Photo: www.panoramio.com)