2015 St Anne's Capital Works Programme
2015 St Anne's Capital Works Programme
- Follies: a conservation architect has been retained and a completed survey of the neckless of follies with St Annes's Park is due to be completed before the end of this summer. Further restoration and also interpretation of the follies heritage trail is planned.
- Rose Garden: to be upgraded this year
- Red Stables Gardens: Phase one of a new garden to north of Red Stables
- Market: Reinforcement of lawn for Market and install electric stand-points
- New low boundary wall near Bull Island Causeway Road area of park.
- Signage: Pilot scheme for uniform parks signage including livery, finger directional signs, 'you are here' indicators, legend.
- New Pond / Wetland: off Naniken River - ERBD project.
- All Weather Pitch / Tennis Courts / Bowling Green: new sports capital grant applications to be made in 2015
loveclontarf.ie would like to thank Finian McGrath T.D.(IND) for sending in this information.