20,000 fliers to be distributed on Monday & Tuesday

12 Nov 2011

We are back out on the campaign trail on Monday with a mini army of loyal, committed volunteers. We will be delivering leaflets in key locations mainly across the northside of Dublin in advance of Dublin City Council's information sessions that start this week.

You can download the flyer here in PDF format.

The text on the flyer is as follows:


On Monday 5th December Dublin City’s Councillors will vote on whether to proceed with the flood defence plan for Clontarf Promenade.

The decision is in your councillors’ hands.

Make them hear you.

  • This is the wrong flood defence solution for Clontarf.
  • DCC  did not consult with you in designing this plan.
  • This plan sacrifices and your sea view, your safety, your amenity.
  • It still (as revised) involves mounds or walls up to over 7ft.
  • It splits the sea side of the promenade from the road.
  • You will not be seen from the road as there will be no passive surveillance from traffic / pedestrians.
  • Anti-social behaviour. Increased fear factor. Decreased use/dereliction.

There are other options.

Think about it! Coastal cities across the world do not put up mounds and walls to protect themselves. Dublin City Council’s own consultants (Haskoning) put forward other options which are much more sensitive to the amenity and which deliver the same flood protection.


GET INFORMED Go to the sessions being held by DCC and ourselves in the Castle. Treat with scepticism any slides that show that the majority of Clontarf will still have reasonable visibility. These are based on a height of 5ft 6inches. What’s your eye level? What’s your eye level in a car?

Watch the drive bys. Look at the 3D models and panoramic views. Look at the alternatives. Look at the consultants safety reports. Think!

READ our objections to the current and revised flood defence plans below and in more detail at www.loveclontarf.ie 

MOST IMPORTANTLY WRITE TO THE CITY MANAGER AND YOUR COUNCILLORS BEFORE THIS COMING 28 NOV. You can do that online or by letter. Information on www.loveclontarf.ie



  • Clontarf flood wall flyer 2Does not take into account the amenity value of the promenade. We want an integrated design solution that takes account of the requirement for a flood defence and protects our safety and amenity.
  • Loss of amenity - creation of unappealing space on sea side of berm with vastly increased susceptibility to anti-social behaviour. Increased fear factor leads to decreased use and dereliction. Public spaces rely on passive surveillance from passing traffic and long clear views for safety.
  • Criteria for assessment unclear and biased towards option 5 (the current proposal) which deters full debate on alternative schemes proposed in the Royal Haskoning report of 2006 and elsewhere.
  • Reduced access to remaining space for all as there will be much less flat area. Especially relevant for parents with buggies and wheelchair users.
  • Impact on business and tourism through loss of amenity.
  • Lack of fully inclusive public consultation (admitted by DCC).
  • Plans do not include for any measures to alleviate pluvial (rain) flooding. No extra attenuation facilities or increasing the capacity of the existing drainage system planned.
  • Insufficient information about final landscape design.

The dates of the public information meetings and venues and times can be viewed in our events area.