15 Days to Christmas Gratitude Challenge
Some people find the period leading up to Christmas hard and stressful. The thought of untangling the Christmas tree lights or Mariah Carey’s ‘All I want for Christmas is You’ playing on replay is sometimes too much. Many people won’t be able to see their whole family this festive season due to restrictions and that can be very tough. Nevertheless, while other people fight the urge to be the Grinch this year, you can change your attitude towards the Christmas period by doing a 15 Day Gratitude Challenge.
There are exactly 15 days left til Christmas Day. The challenge involves finding a new perspective on life. No, you don’t have to go to a yoga retreat to do this! Every day you will have a new challenge. You can see the challenges listed below. Take a minute to think about each one every day. We’ll start off easy, don’t worry.
10th. Be thankful for electricity. Benjamin Franklin conducted an experiment on a Thursday that proved that lightning and electricity were connected. If he could do that on a Thursday, you can definitely get through the day!
11th. Be thankful for the weekend. Life would be horrible if every day was a Monday.
12th. Happy Gingerbread House Day! Be thankful for an excuse to eat gingerbread cookies/ houses. If you don’t like gingerbread, I’m sure you can find an alternative.
13th. Be thankful it’s Sunday the 13th and not Friday the 13th.
14th. Be thankful that while it’s still Monday, at least Zoom Quizzes and Zoom Happy Hour aren’t a thing anymore.
15th. It’s International Tea Day! If you don’t like tea, be thankful for hot beverages, herbal teas, hot chocolate…..Irish coffee?
16th. Be thankful for the fresh air. Go out and have a stroll. It might be cold but at least it’s not allergy season!
17th. Be thankful for the Christmas movies that you can rewatch every year. Home Alone, Love Actually, Polar Express, Die Hard, The Grinch. There’s still time to rewatch them!
18th. Be thankful for cooking. Today is Baking Cookies Day. (We are going to pretend that it didn’t feel like it was Baking Cookies Day every day during the lockdown, ok?).
19th. Be thankful that you have to listen to Christmas jingles instead of ‘Baby Shark’.
20th. Be thankful for your pets that keep you company (even if they have puppy breath or scratch your curtains and drive you crazy sometimes).
21st. Be thankful for your cherished childhood moments. Today marks 83 years since ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarves’ premiered.
22nd. Be thankful for your health, especially during this time.
23rd. Be thankful for the delicious food in our community’s restaurants, pubs and takeaways.
24th. Be thankful that you can finally crack open that box of Celebrations that have been staring at you for the past month every time you opened the press without feeling guilty.
25th. Even if Christmas has restrictions this year, be thankful that you don’t have to spend it with the third aunt twice removed that always asks you when you’re going to be getting married or having kids. Oh and be thankful for the gravy too!
If you got through all those days, you have definitely shown your gratitude! Told you, you didn’t need a yoga or spiritual retreat to be thankful!