The Monday night Club cooks up a rescue dinner!
At a recent Senior Citizens Christmas party In the Pebble Beach Pub Clontarf, the Monday Night Club cooked a four course Christmas Dinner. The Senior Citizens were treated to a glass of bubbly on arrival and wine with their traditional fare, followed by entertainment provided by a local musician.
The Senior citizens Christmas party started back in 1981 and was held in the 66th Troops den, which had just opened. Bob Hopply and Clive Brooks of the local scouting community started the ball as a gesture to the Senior Citizens in the area, as a thank you for their support in getting the 66th scouts den built. Local housewives got together and cooked the dinner, which was served by the scouts, and followed by entertainment provided by the local troop.
Such was the success it was decided to have an annual party and it grew and grew, until such time that it was deemed necessary to bring in outside caters to provide the food. The party was held in the den each February until recent years when it moved to the Pebble Beach. Sarah Shanahan formed a committee and monies were collected in the pub throughout the year, to fund the cost of the caterers.
Last year, it was with great loss that the main holder of the fund bottle Dessie Smith, fell ill and there was nobody to carry on the sterling work that he performed. At this time it was all becoming too much for Sarah and the party was in danger of being abandoned.
The Monday Night Club in the Pebble Beach was formed in the early days of 2010, by a motley crew of friends who meet every Monday evening or any day with a y in it. The Club whose members are from all walks of life, from bakers to candlestick makers, with a common enjoyment of good food and fine wine, but not forgetting the odd pint of the black stuff.
What originally started as a small group of six quickly became sixteen, who take turns in cooking and presenting savory type food for their own discourse, and amusement. Each member is tasked with purchasing, preparing and cooking their own personal choice of recipe for the enjoyment of all. The savory style food became more sophisticated and soon they were enjoying gourmet food that any Michelin star Chef would be proud of. The members range in age from young pups in their twenty’s to more mature chaps. They even brought in rules for the evening, where no mobile phones are permitted between 6.00pm & 7.30 pm, to ensure the uninterrupted enjoyment for all and members who breach this rule amongst others, are fined €1 per breach. The discipline of the members was such that they collected over €200 in fines and in addition to the weekly subs of €2 per week guaranteed a fully subsidized night out over Christmas for all members.
During the month of November Margaret Tuthill stepped into the breech and formed a new committee to try and get the party back on rails. It was at the MNC night out that the idea that the MNC would offer their services to provide the food for the party, as this was the main stumbling block, the committee were delighted and set forth to organize the party for February. The members of the MNC were allocated 1 dish each to purchase and prepare for the party. Mr. Brian Sheehan was elected from the club to co-ordinate the proceedings and on the day the MNC arrived in sequence with their hot food as per the service requirements.
On the day Margaret sponsored a glass of bubbly on arrival. The Pebble Beach sponsored the wines and the music man ‘Tony’. The committee were supported by members of the 66th Scout Troop in the serving and clearing at the event.
It was considered that not only had the MNC stepped up to the plate but it was their finest hour.
The MNC would like to thank all for the support that they received for the event, particularly Michael from The Butler’s Pantry who were outstandingly generous to the Senior Citizens.
Margaret Tuthill, thanked everybody on the night including all the local businesses that supported this worthy event, the Pebble Beech pub, the 66th scouts but stated with out the ingenuity of the MNC this would never have happened. It was with appreciated that the MNC would continue to support this worthwhile social event fro some years to come.
Myles Tuthill and members of the Monday Night Club.