130 Bus Diversions - Reminder
***Update 24th November 2016***
The contractor has applied for a five day extension to this road closure. This means that while the reopening of the road is imminent it may not happen until Saturday 3rd December.
We would like to remind out readers that the 130, 32X & St Fintans Bus are currently being diverted from their regular routes to facilitate the remainder of the S2S road resurfacing work.
Route 130 (maps above)
Toward St Gabriel’s Road: Normal route to Clontarf Road junction with Castle Avenue then divert via Castle Avenue, Blackheath Park, Vernon Avenue, Seafield Road East, Seafield Avenue, Mount Prospect Avenue to St Gabriel’s Road and terminate.
Toward Abbey Street: From St. Gabriel’s Road right to Seafield Road East, Vernon Avenue, Blackheath Park, Castle Avenue to Clontarf Road and normal route.
The 32X has been diverted via the Howth Road since the closure of the James Larkin section of the coast road on the 10th October 2016. this diversion will remain in place until all the the S2S resurfacing works are completed i.e. 27th November.
St Fintan's School Bus
The St Fintan’s School Bus it will follow its normal route along the Clontarf Road as far as Castle Ave. At this point it will divert left onto Castle Ave, right on to Blackheath Park, right onto Vernon Ave, left onto Seafield Road, left onto St Gabriel’s Road, right onto Mt Prospect Ave and left onto the James Larkin Road