This Old Man at the Viking Theatre

04 Jul 2016 - 24 Jul 2016 Viking Theatre, The Sheds, 198 Clontarf Road

A World Premier! 'This Old Man' is a bitter-sweet comedy about families and simmering sibling rivalry, as two middle-aged sisters, Carol ( Deirdre Monaghan) and Denise (Paula Greevy-Lee) battle it out over the best care- plan for their ailing and increasingly forgetful Dad, the slightly curmudgeonly but loveable rogue, Eamonn (John Olohan).

As the Book of Ancient Grudges is thrown open, everyone seems to think they know what’s best for Dad, who begins to feel like a minor character in his own life. Sparks fly, and a few tears are shed, but laughter is never too far away as Eamonn casts a cold eye over all the carry-on. All the poor man wants is a bit of peace!


This Comedy is presented by Cadence Theatre Company, tickets are €10/€15. For Booking - 087 112 9970.

For more see the Viking Theatre Website