The Comedy Theatre Company presents 'Cat Among Pidgeons'

13 Feb 2013 - 13 Feb 2013 Theatre@36 (The Teachers’ Club) 36 Parnell Square, Dublin, 1.
Connie, a successful artist from a middle-class background and her working-class husband Jack, could work through their difficulties were it not for their meddlesome in-laws. Jack’s father, enlists the spiritual aid of the new priest of the parish in a futile effort to restore marital harmony but with their son, returning from London along with girlfriend and surprising news, not to mention the ensuing misunderstandings, misheard revelations and illogical conclusions, Connie is forced to decide on her future professional and personal life. Directed by Tim Casey and the author. Cast: Ian Blackmore, Hilary Boyle, Sophie Hannah Byrne, Tim Casey, Mary Conlon, Mary Dowling, Philip Gleeson, Gerry Moloney, John Murphy and Matthew O’Brien. Theatre@36 (The Teachers’ Club) 36 Parnell Square, Dublin, 1. Preview Tuesday 12th February 2013 Opening Wednesday 13th February Runs to Saturday 23rd February Time 8pm Tickets €15 (€12 concession) Special night Monday 18th (Pay what you like as you leave) Booking 087 2503210