Street Clean Up - Haddon, Victoria and The Stiles Road
As before, this is a combined initiative involving the Clontarf Business Association, the Clontarf Residents’ Association, Dublin City Council and local residents on the respective roads. If you are a resident on these roads, please note the following: 1. You will need to move your car off the road for 2 hours from 10.45am 2. Even if the road sweeper has passed your house, you should still leave the space clear as they may do more than one drive past. 3. For best results, you should sweep debris from the path outside your home onto the road so that the sweeper can gather it. Ideally, this should be done that morning or the night before if you are not going to be there on the day. 4. Key contacts for this phase are Donna Cooney 083 3317190 and David Doran (CBA) 086 2482863