Pop Up Gaeltacht @ Cluain Tarbh GAA Club

10 Jan 2020 - 10 Jan 2020 Áras Chluain Tarbh, Seafield Road

Did you make a New Year Resolution to try a Cúpla Focail (few words) or reconnect with Irish/Gaeilge in 2020? This Friday, 10th sees the first PopUp Gaeltacht Chluain Tarbh of 2020 take place in Áras Chluain Tarbh, the
Clontarf GAA clubhouse on Seafield Road. This is a casual get together with a chance to try out some Irish.

The event is on from 8 pm in An Cúldoras (the backdoor) bar upstairs in the clubhouse (enter from stairs at the back).

Check the Facebook event here for more details