NELLIE at the Viking Theatre
NELLIE is making the case that every woman is entitled to have made available to her all information in relation to a home birth so that she can make an informed choice as to whether that is her preferred option.
What do you think? Come to Nellie and make up your own mind. Runs til 4th July.
Booking now on 087 1129970
Nellie dreams about doing something special with her life. She becomes a midwife and travels abroad working with the Eskimos and Africans. After her great adventures she returns to Ireland, happy in the prospect of working at home ,but sometimes not everything goes according to plan.
If you think natural childbirth is the most horrific thing in the world come and see ‘Nellie!’ At the very least she will give you a laugh. She is old fashioned, liberal and outrageous. She loves women and they love her. At a time when rates of intervention are terrifyingly high maybe we should listen, see what she has to say.
Reserved seats not collected by 8.00pm will be released