It's Not Easy @ Viking Theatre
Pat Brophy and Johnny Murtagh are two Dubliners, long-time friends and drinking buddies. The snug of Doyle’s bar is their inner sanctum where they catch up on an all too regular basis to discuss their lives, their families, their financial worries and their future.
Unexpectedly their cosy environment is disturbed by the sudden arrival of a young stranger from England. This young and mysterious stranger PJ Buckingham has left his stag party in Temple Bar to find something. Something that will put some meaning back into his life.
This is the second play by Gary Brown a native Dubliner with a life long career in Advertising and Marketing. His first play was “Back Live”
Written and Directed by Gary Brown and performed by Gary Cooke, Andrew Murray and Liam Heslin, It's Not Easy runs at the Viking Theatre @ Connolly's The Sheds until Saturday, November 30th.
Tickets are €15 and can be booked by phoning 087-1129970. Shows begin at 8 pm with doors opening at 7.45 pm.
For more information visit