Fundraiser in Harry Byrnes for 4 Year Old Finn!
Harry Byrne’s will be the venue for a fundraiser for a very important cause on Saturday 14th September.
The event will include live music, spot prizes and a raffle all to help raise money for Finn Crampton. Finn is a 4 year old boy with Cerebral Palsy spastic diplegia. It affects his legs, so the muscles are held tight & rigid making it impossible for him to stand or walk independently. Finn has been accepted for a life changing surgery called Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) in St. Louis Children's Hospital, Missouri, USA. SDR will permanently reduce the spasticity/tightness in Finn's legs giving him the best possible opportunity to walk. The operation is not a quick fix & a lot of physiotherapy & hard work will be required post op. Finn is a determined little boy so all close to him are confident he will do it!
There is also a run in Phoenix Park that morning, those who wish to participate can find info here.
Why not pop down to Harry’s on Saturday the 14th and help a very special little boy get the surgery, you can also donate online at