Clontarf Wines | Wine Appreciation Course
Starting next week at Clontarf Wines, the ever-popular introductory wine appreciation course.
The course begins on Wednesday, February 12th and will run from 7.00 – 8.30 over the four evenings below.
- Wednesday February 12th
- Wednesday February 19th
- Wednesday February 26th
- Wednesday March 4th
Classes are held in the tasting room to the rear of the shop and the course costs €100
Topics covered are detailed below. Each week you will taste 6-8 wines and notes will be provided.
- Week 1: Tasting technique & wine evaluation, basic principles of food and wine matching.
- Week 2: The Classic White Grape Varieties and their Wines.
- Week 3: The Classic Black Grape Varieties and their Wines.
- Week 4: Branching out – interesting wines from lesser-known grape varieties and regions.
So, if you are keen to learn more about wine in a fun informal setting book your place by following the link here or emailing or call 018533088.