Click at the Viking Theatre
Click is a dramatic comedy about two lifelong friends trying to survive. On the surface Pauly and Jacko are your average mates. They go fishing together, or have a pint and talk about football. However when they are put in a life or death situation the truth of their relationship comes out. Is it all banter and no substance? Their past has joined them together but is their present connection really as close as it seems. Click explores the nature of friendship, specifically male friendship and asks whether it is superficial or just unspoken. If you have helped each other through the darkest hours do you really need to talk about them? Click combines the wit of a Dublin Bus driver with an exploration of the difficulties of being a modern man.
“Collier has a soaring touch with dialogue that calls for helpless laughter as often as it hits you in the stomach” – Emer O’Kelly, Sunday Independent
“… a tightly constructed two-hander that exploits its novel dramatic situation to full comic effect.” – Dr. Ian R. Walsh,
To reserve seats for all shows call 087 1129970 or email All shows start at 8pm (unless otherwise stated). All tickets cost €10. Doors open at 7.45. Mon - Sat. No Sunday performances (unless otherwise stated).