Astronomical Observing In Clontarf!

28 Feb 2015 - 28 Feb 2015 Car Park Opposite Clontarf Yacht & Boat Club


On Saturday February 28th 2015, the Irish Astronomical Society (IAS) welcome the public to view the planet Jupiter, the Moon, the Orion Nebula plus many more objects of interest in Clontarf.

The Orion Nebula is the nearest star nursery where stars continue to be created. 

Weather permitting, the IAS will have their telescopes setup in the car park opposite the Clontarf Yacht and Boat Club.

Observing commences at 8pm.

For information on additional events sponsored by the IAS please visit their website. Should the weather put the event in doubt, the IAS can be contacted at (087) 6556519 or (987) 6398143 on the evening of the 28th for an update.