Dear Frankie - Please support this new play by Clontarf's Niamh Gleeson

20 Sep 2010 - 02 Oct 2010 Liberty Hall Theatre
This is a production by the Five Lamps Theatre Company. Dear Frankie celebrates the life and times of the woman who solved the problems of a love-hungry nation and also survived many of her own personal trials along the way. The wonderful Nuala Hayes, who is an highly accomplished actress and storyteller, plays Frankie and is supported by Sarah Barragry and Tim Landers. Nuala is herself, the daughter of Mícheál Ó hAodha, the RTE radio drama producer, so the part has a special resonance for her also. UPDATE - WE HAVE BEEN GIVEN 2 PAIRS OF FREE TICKETS BY THE THEATRE COMPANY. JUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION "Who is playing the part of Frankie Byrne in this play?" - please send your anwswers to before 14th September to be entered in the draw.