Please consider joining CRA. Membership is open to all residents living in the Clontarf Area. The subscription is €20 per household.
There are four ways to pay:
Make a once-off payment
3. Post / Delivery
Post cash or a cheque (made out to Clontarf Residents' Association) to
C/O Deirdre Tobin, 35 Castle Avenue.
4. Credit/Debit Card
Click here to pay online via Swoofee / Stripe.
Your subs support the work of Clontarf Residents’ Association by:
part-funding the running of - a great resource for our area
covering overheads – accountancy fees, public liability insurance
supporting the work of Tidy Towns and other local initiatives
paying for observations on planning applications
meeting the cost of printing occasional newsletters, etc.
If you are a former member please include your name and email or mobile with your payment so that we can update your record. If you are a new member please send us your name, address, email and phone number by email to our dedicated subscriptions address – Please also let us know your payment method.