Please consider joining CRA. Membership is open to all residents living in the Clontarf Area. The subscription is €20 per household.

There are four ways to pay:

Set up a recurring Annual payment

1. Standing order

Account name: Clontarf Residents' Association BIC: BOFIIE2D
IBAN no: IE02 BOFI 900543 5998 5131

Please include your email or phone number after your name as a reference.

2. Paypal

Click here to use your Paypal account or here to pay as a guest.

Make a once-off payment

3. Post / Delivery

Post cash or a cheque (made out to Clontarf Residents' Association) to

C/O Deirdre Tobin, 35 Castle Avenue.

4. Credit/Debit Card

Click here to pay online via Swoofee / Stripe.

Your subs support the work of Clontarf Residents’ Association by:

  • part-funding the running of - a great resource for our area

  • covering overheads – accountancy fees, public liability insurance

  • supporting the work of Tidy Towns and other local initiatives

  • paying for observations on planning applications

  • meeting the cost of printing occasional newsletters, etc.

If you are a former member please include your name and email or mobile with your payment so that we can update your record. If you are a new member please send us your name, address, email and phone number by email to our dedicated subscriptions address – Please also let us know your payment method.